Serving Topeka for generations
Since the 1930’s, every Saturday morning from April through November, the Topeka Farmer’s Market comes alive! Vibrant with color, lively chatter and friendly faces, the Topical Farmers Market attracts hundreds of Topeka residents and out of town visitors each Saturday. Folks come to the open-air market each week to shop, browse and meet their friends and neighbors or find a new friend.
The idea of the Farmer’s Market is as old as time. In times past, markets were the centers of towns and villages, the place people gathered to buy or barter goods and services and to catch up on village news. Today, Farmer’s Markets are thriving throughout the US and other countries, providing quality produce fresh from the field, preserving local farms, revitalizing downtown areas and creating a social opportunity for city and country folks to come together.

We warmly invite you to browse the rest of our Website, which reveals much about the Market and the people who make up the market. If you have any questions please use the contact us. There is always someone in the Market to answer your questions. Come on down to Topeka Farmers Market for a taste of one of Topeka’s most loved traditions. Located at SW 6th Ave & SW Harrison St in Topeka.

Dan Phifer Chairman
Sylvia Guerrero Treasurer
Linda Ellis Secretary
Briana Arkenberg Member
Larry O'Hara Member
Barbee Langston Market Manager